At Madison Baptist Church, there are many opportunities for you to expand your knowledge of the Bible through education.
Madison Baptist Academy - MBA is a ministry of our church, with the sole purpose of obeying the command of Deuteronomy 6:5-7: "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children." Our goal is to train Christian youth of every ability in the higher principles of Christian leadership, self-discipline, individual responsibility, personal integrity and good citizenship.
Madison Baptist Theological Seminary - MBTS is a Bible College offering the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Bible with four majors available: Evangelism, Missions, Pastoral Studies and Christian Education. Our classes are at night, so that virtually anyone can attend and receive a degree in four years. Our tuition is extremely affordable. And, we stand on four vital principles and doctrines that we believe are vital to the success of any Bible college in this age: 1. We stand unapologetically on the belief that the King James Bible is God's Word; 2. We believe and teach that the Genesis account of creation is true and accurate in all its details; 3. We believe in personal and ecclesiastical separation; 4. and, we believe that the local New Testament church is God's work in this present age.
All of our classes are taught by active preachers, missionaries and evangelists. For more information on MBTS, please contact Bro. Brian Brown.
Madison Bible Institute - MBI is designed for laymen who would like to further their practical, working knowledge of the Bible. Classes are held on Monday nights and involve three consecutive courses of study: Old Testament, New Testament and Theology. Each class is one hour long for a total of three hours each night of class. Classes are only held during the school year and all three courses of study can be completed in three years if you take all the classes simultaneously, which is what most students choose to do.