Youth Ministry
In today’s world it is very important that we keep our teens busy for God. We encourage all of our teens to get involved in one of the many ministries that we offer at our church, from singing in the choir, teen soul-winning, helping in VBS, or working in our bus ministry. There are many opportunities to serve the Lord.
We have a fun activity every week that can range from playing volleyball, football, basketball to going white water rafting, snow skiing, or mission trips to places such as Spain, Brazil and Puerto Rico.
Even though we do have fun, the main goal for our teens is that they fall in love with God and His Word. We have exciting pastors in for preaching and we want our teens to be active soul-winners. We have preaching at every activity to help keep the teens on fire for God.
If you think that this might be the place for you, we would love to invite you to come join us. Check out our calendar for up coming events.
In Christ’s name,
Wally Bryant, Youth Pastor MBC