Madison Baptist Theological Seminary exists and functions as an inseparable ministry of Madison Baptist Church, which stands without apology for the old-time Gospel and the Fundamentals of the Faith. However, due to the uncertainty, compromise, and confusion on the religious scene - even affecting some institutions labeled as fundamental - it is necessary that our stand on certain sensitive issues of the day be clearly stated.
The King James Bible:
We believe and teach that God has inspired His Word and has kept His promise to preserve His Word
“from this generation forever” (Psa. 12:6,7), and that internal and external evidence abundantly prove that the King James Bible is the preserved Word of God in the English language.
We believe and teach that the Genesis account of creation is true and accurate in all its details, and that one’s belief about origins will determine his philosophy of life. Creation was a direct, miraculous act of God, completed in six literal 24-hour days, and all subsequent reproduction has been “after their kind.” No true scientific evidence supports evolution in any of its forms, including so-called “theistic”
We believe and teach that the same grace that brings salvation teaches the believer to separate from the world; and that the doctrine of separation clearly taught in the Scriptures, demands both individual separation in the matter of personal holiness, and ecclesiastical separation regarding cooperation, affiliation, or alliances with denominations, movements, or other religious or parachurch organizations. We
stand unequivocally opposed to ecumenism in all its forms.
The Local Church:
We believe and teach that a scriptural church is a local, visible assembly of baptized believers covenanted together for the purpose of carrying out the Great Commission, contending for the faith once delivered to the saints, and mutually exhorting and encouraging one another. The true church has an unbroken history from the personal ministry of Jesus on earth to this present day. This church is a self-governing, independent body, having Christ as the head, the Holy Spirit as its guide, and the Bible as its final authority in all matters of faith and life.
Madison Baptist Theological Seminary does not believe that right standards are just a matter of preference, but rather are Bible convictions. For the sake of our Christian testimony, we require that our students abstain from the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco in any form, and non-medical use of narcotic drugs. Also, students must not play cards, participate in any type of gambling, nor attend movie theaters or dances. Men’s hair is to be cut regularly above the ears and should not touch the shirt collar. Sideburns are to be neatly trimmed and not below the earlobe. Students that do not comply with these standards will be subject to disciplinary action by the Administration.
Church Attendance:
All students are required to be a member and faithful attendant of their LOCAL INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH. Students are urged to be involved in some type of ministry such as Sunday School or a bus ministry.
The King James Bible:
We believe and teach that God has inspired His Word and has kept His promise to preserve His Word
“from this generation forever” (Psa. 12:6,7), and that internal and external evidence abundantly prove that the King James Bible is the preserved Word of God in the English language.
We believe and teach that the Genesis account of creation is true and accurate in all its details, and that one’s belief about origins will determine his philosophy of life. Creation was a direct, miraculous act of God, completed in six literal 24-hour days, and all subsequent reproduction has been “after their kind.” No true scientific evidence supports evolution in any of its forms, including so-called “theistic”
We believe and teach that the same grace that brings salvation teaches the believer to separate from the world; and that the doctrine of separation clearly taught in the Scriptures, demands both individual separation in the matter of personal holiness, and ecclesiastical separation regarding cooperation, affiliation, or alliances with denominations, movements, or other religious or parachurch organizations. We
stand unequivocally opposed to ecumenism in all its forms.
The Local Church:
We believe and teach that a scriptural church is a local, visible assembly of baptized believers covenanted together for the purpose of carrying out the Great Commission, contending for the faith once delivered to the saints, and mutually exhorting and encouraging one another. The true church has an unbroken history from the personal ministry of Jesus on earth to this present day. This church is a self-governing, independent body, having Christ as the head, the Holy Spirit as its guide, and the Bible as its final authority in all matters of faith and life.
Madison Baptist Theological Seminary does not believe that right standards are just a matter of preference, but rather are Bible convictions. For the sake of our Christian testimony, we require that our students abstain from the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco in any form, and non-medical use of narcotic drugs. Also, students must not play cards, participate in any type of gambling, nor attend movie theaters or dances. Men’s hair is to be cut regularly above the ears and should not touch the shirt collar. Sideburns are to be neatly trimmed and not below the earlobe. Students that do not comply with these standards will be subject to disciplinary action by the Administration.
Church Attendance:
All students are required to be a member and faithful attendant of their LOCAL INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH. Students are urged to be involved in some type of ministry such as Sunday School or a bus ministry.